Marriage and Relationship Coaching for Couples
Problems within a dating or married couples relationship do not have to transform into a cutthroat battle or all-out war between the two parties. Whether you want to work on your problems and take positive steps to making your relationship more fulfilling or rekindle the passionate fire between yourself and your spouse, relationship and marriage coaching can walk you through the possibilities and help facilitate open and clear communication with your partner as you work to make decisions together. Relationship and marriage coaching for couples provides you both with a neutral, objective, and impartial sounding board, using professional guidance tailored specifically to your unique situation.
Relationship Online Coaching Workshop
Renew Your Relationship
Certified Life Coach – Julie A. Johnstone
Detailed Session Schedule:
Establishing Your Goals and Action Plans
Session 1 - Life Balance Wheel Exercise
Session 1 - The 4 C’s of a Relationship
Session 2 - Love Language
Session 3 - Attachment Styles
Session 3 - Conflict Resolution Exercise
Taking Action and Seeing Results
Session 4 - Communication Exercise
Session 5 (Optional) - Anger Management Exercise
Evaluating Progress and Making a Plan for the Future
Session 6 - Compromise Exercise
Session 7 - Compatibility Exercise
Session 8 - What’s In Your Relationship Tool-Box?
Total Cost of your investment is: $1,249
(Includes workbook and reading material)
My personal relationship and marriage coaching services equip couples so that they can work through difficult and emotionally charged situations with cooperation and efficiency.

When my wife and I determined that our relationship wasn’t sustainable, we were lost. We knew we needed a divorce, but had no idea how to handle the legalities or how to make things fair. Luckily for us, we stumbled upon Julie’s relationship and marriage coaching services. Julie supported and led us through the process, helping us make it through this tough time better than we ever thought possible.
JR and LK - Grimsby, Ontario